Gabriel Cerono, MD

Postdoc Scholar - Employee

Gabriel is an Argentinian Medical Doctor. He earned his medical degree from Universidad Nacional de La Plata. He is a self taught programmer, data scientist, and machine learning practitioner. He is currently involved in SPOKE development. His research interests lies in the integration of data science with clinical practice.


Biomedical knowledge graph-optimized prompt generation for large language models.

Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)

Soman K, Rose PW, Morris JH, Akbas RE, Smith B, Peetoom B, Villouta-Reyes C, Cerono G, Shi Y, Rizk-Jackson A, Israni S, Nelson CA, Huang S, Baranzini SE

Leveraging electronic health records and knowledge networks for Alzheimer's disease prediction and sex-specific biological insights.

Nature aging

Tang AS, Rankin KP, Cerono G, Miramontes S, Mills H, Roger J, Zeng B, Nelson C, Soman K, Woldemariam S, Li Y, Lee A, Bove R, Glymour M, Aghaeepour N, Oskotsky TT, Miller Z, Allen IE, Sanders SJ, Baranzini S, Sirota M

Early detection of Parkinson's disease through enriching the electronic health record using a biomedical knowledge graph.

Frontiers in medicine

Soman K, Nelson CA, Cerono G, Goldman SM, Baranzini SE, Brown EG

The scalable precision medicine open knowledge engine (SPOKE): A massive knowledge graph of biomedical information.

Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)

Morris JH, Soman K, Akbas RE, Zhou X, Smith B, Meng EC, Huang CC, Cerono G, Schenk G, Rizk-Jackson A, Harroud A, Sanders L, Costes SV, Bharat K, Chakraborty A, Pico AR, Mardirossian T, Keiser M, Tang A, Hardi J, Shi Y, Musen M, Israni S, Huang S, Rose PW, Nelson CA, Baranzini SE

Time-aware Embeddings of Clinical Data using a Knowledge Graph.

Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing

Soman K, Nelson CA, Cerono G, Baranzini SE