Welcome to the Baranzini Lab at UCSF where we explore the genetics and molecular mechanisms underlying complex diseases.
Our Latest Research in Genetics
Locus for severity implicates CNS resilience in progression of multiple sclerosis
Our Latest Research in Data Science
Proposing a task agnostic framework that combines the explicit knowledge of a Knowledge Graph (KG) with a Large Language Model (LLM)
Our Latest Research in Immunology
Gut microbiome reveal associations with disease rise
SPOKE explorer
The Scalable Precision-medicine Oriented Knowledge Engine (SPOKE) is a comprehensive biomedical knowledge graph connecting a wealth of information from basic molecular research, clinical insights, and many other databases
We are hiring!
We are looking for new postdocs to join our ever growing team!

The Baranzini Lab is interested in the genetics and molecular mechanisms underlying complex diseases.

In particular, we use a combination of wet and dry lab approaches to investigate the disease multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system. Work in our lab involves human genetics, immunology, molecular biology, bioinformatics and systems biology approaches.

We are also the creators of SPOKE, an open knowledge network that aims at integrating all publicly available biomedical information into a giant graph. Among other uses, SPOKE is being developed to aid in drug repurposing, precision medicine approaches, and molecular pharmacology.

Baranzini Lab

We are hiring!

As shown in our lastest research in genetics paper in the banner above, We recently published a Genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) identifying the first locus associated with disease severity (Nature 619:323–331; 2023)!

We are looking for a talented posdoctoral scholar to further investigate this this locus through a variety of functional studies aimed at pinpointing the biological effects of this identified GWAS signal. 

If you are interested pushing forward our latest reserach in genetics, please consider applying to this position!