
Naive CD4 T-cell activation identifies MS patients having rapid transition to progressive MS.


Zastepa E, Fitz-Gerald L, Hallett M, Antel J, Bar-Or A, Baranzini S, Lapierre Y, Haegert DG

Association of Targeted Blood Biomarkers with Interferon Beta-1a Treatment Administration, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Activity, and Treatment Response (P02.089).


B. Cree, L. Madireddy, N. De Stefano, S. Caillier, M. L. Stromillo, M. Battaglini, E. Monet, A. Cromer, M. D'Antonio, P. Farmer, L. Lehr, M. Beelke, S. Baranzini

Association of Targeted Blood Biomarkers with Interferon Beta-1a Treatment Administration, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Activity, and Treatment Response (P02.089).


B. Cree,L. Madireddy,N. De Stefano,S. Caillier,M. L. Stromillo,M. Battaglini,E. Monet,A. Cromer,M. D'Antonio,P. Farmer,L. Lehr,M. Beelke,S. Baranzini

Antibodies to MOG are transient in childhood acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.


Pröbstel AK, Dornmair K, Bittner R, Sperl P, Jenne D, Magalhaes S, Villalobos A, Breithaupt C, Weissert R, Jacob U, Krumbholz M, Kuempfel T, Blaschek A, Stark W, Gärtner J, Pohl D, Rostasy K, Weber F, Forne I, Khademi M, Olsson T, Brilot F, Tantsis E, Dale RC, Wekerle H, Hohlfeld R, Banwell B, Bar-Or A, Meinl E, Derfuss T

Incidental MRI anomalies suggestive of multiple sclerosis: the radiologically isolated syndrome.


Okuda DT, Mowry EM, Beheshtian A, Waubant E, Baranzini SE, Goodin DS, Hauser SL, Pelletier D

Analysis of antibody gene rearrangement, usage, and specificity in chronic focal encephalitis.


Baranzini SE, Laxer K, Saketkhoo R, Elkins MK, Parent JM, Mantegazza R, Oksenberg JR